It’s not unusual to turn a hobby into a business, and that includes crafting. If you have ever thought about selling your crafts or turning your crafting into a part-time or full-time business, this is the meetup for you.

We are bringing craft makers of all levels together to learn new tips, hear from successful crafters and get inspired.

This is the perfect way to meet other local Craft Makers to trade ideas and show off your Creations! Craft makers of all types are welcome!

    About the Instructor

SAC-Meetup: Starting a Craft Business Meetup
HackerLab Sacramento 2533 R St Suite 120, Sacramento CA 95816 Map

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware: Most of our one-on-one classes require students to register at least 48 hours ahead of class time, after which they will be marked 'Not available'. Our regular cancellation policy of 48 hours of advance notice also applies.