What You'll Learn

Join us for Startup Hustle Workshop 4 - Market Research for Startups! In this workshop, you'll learn to gather evidence about your customer's ecosystem.

Startup Hustle is a 12-week bootcamp designed to help prepare you to launch a new startup. Be prepared to stretch your ideas with insights that can lead to remarkable breakthroughs. We’ll introduce tools, perspectives, and connections to help you succeed.

In this course, we show you step-by-step how to identify your customer and their needs. Then, we investigate their problems. Based on evidence that we collect by talking with them and field testing, we develop and the Value Proposition that you’ll use to start your business.

The bootcamp will enable participants to use the latest startup tools, work on their ideas, test them with customers, gain insights from mentors, research the market, reframe their concept based on what they learn, and develop a pitch. Startup Hustle includes a Demo Night where participants make their pitches to the community.

This program meets weekly on Thursdays from April 11 - June 27.

Get more information and the complete syllabus here!


Join this bootcamp to learn:

  • Starting a business
  • Taking an idea to market
  • Mapping online and offline customer ecosystems
  • Using social media platforms as search engines
  • Really cool google hacks
  • How to craft a pitch deck



  • Presentation & Pitching
  • Business Planning
  • Networking


Important Information

NOTE: This ticket is for Startup Hustle Workshop 4: Market Research for Startups only. To join our 12-week cohort at a discount, go here.

You may either purchase tickets to individual workshops, or receive a bulk discount to join all 12 weeks of Startup Hustle as part of our cohort. See a complete list of the workshops here.



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SAC-Bootcamp: Startup Hustle Workshop 4 - Market Research for Startups
HackerLab Sacramento 2533 R Street Suite 120 Sacramento, CA 95816 Map

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware: Most of our one-on-one classes require students to register at least 48 hours ahead of class time, after which they will be marked 'Not available'. Our regular cancellation policy of 48 hours of advance notice also applies.