
Our goal is to help you turn your passion into a sustainable income stream.
Making stuff is hard and creating a steady income stream by selling what you make is even harder. Thankfully you have a supportive community at Hacker Lab to help you on your journey! We have found that peer mentorship is the most effective way to expedite the learning process. That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to introduce weekly office hours with one of our long-time members, Makers Luck!
Join us at Hacker Lab for a member-only, (no-cost) one-on-one office-hour experience.

Areas we can support you in:

Maker Business Support Specializations:
  • Small Business Formation, Certifications, Local Selling Permitting and Sales/Franchise/Income Tax Structuring.
  • Small Business Development: Target Markets Strategies, Cost/Pricing Frameworking, Packaging Design/Development, Payment/CC Provider Setup, etc. 
  • Marketing & Branding: Online, Social Media & Google Marketing Strategies and Branding Development.
  • Selling Locally, Including Selling Products In Local Boutiques/Stores, Setting-Up/Running A Product Vendor Booth at Local Events/Farmers Markets, and Strategies for Doing Commissioned Projects.
  • Selling Online, Including Selling On E-Commerce Sites (Etsy, Amazon Handmade, Ebay, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), Website Development (Shopify, Square, etc.), Inventory Management, Packaging/Shipping Strategies and Online Marketing/Branding.
Makerspace Fabrication Specializations:
  • Laser & Shopbot CNC (Engraving/Cutting) Machining
  • CAD Design & Machine Toolpathing 
  • Epoxy Resin Techniques
  • Woodworking, Metalsmithing and Acrylic Fabrication 
  • LED & Arduino/Microcontrollers
  • Industrial Grade Signage/Furniture/Decor/Art Installation Design and Fabrication Using Tools at Hacker Lab

Important Information:

  • You must register in advance to participate.
  • Please be on time based on which timeslot you signed up for.
  • Please check in with Hacker Lab front desk staff prior to meeting with Michael.
  • The office hours will be held in person in a safe one-on-one environment at Hacker Lab.
  • Appointment slots are not expected to exceed 45 minutes.
  • Masks must be worn correctly while inside the facility.
  • Do not come into the Lab if you have a cough, fever, or feel sick in the past 14 days.
  • Please briefly describe the topics you would like to discuss so they MIR can better prepare in advance to help you during your office hours meeting in the comment box for this event.
Not a member? Sign up for a tour and receive an awesome interactive experience at our 15,000 sq ft maker space.

    About the Instructor

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Maker-to-Market “Office Hours” with Michael Rottman of Maker’s Luck
HackerLab Sacramento 2533 R St Ste 120, Sacramento CA 95818 Mappa
Note: Ticket price differs depending on class topic chosen. Click sign-up to view price details per topic.

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware: Most of our one-on-one classes require students to register at least 48 hours ahead of class time, after which they will be marked 'Not available'. Our regular cancellation policy of 48 hours of advance notice also applies.