Arduino is a microcontroller (small computer) platform that makes it easy for users to give their electronics projects a brain! Arduino is also a great starting point for those wishing to learn embedded systems programming. It offers a near infinite variety of uses including robotics, game controllers, and IoT.

you will write, compile, upload, and run a simple Arduino sketch to control the blinking rate of an LED. There is a focus on understanding the structure of the code rather than simply copying and pasting premade examples. You will learn how Arduino Sketches (code) are structured, how to read values using the serial monitor, how to control the IO pins, & more. By the end of the class, you should be comfortable enough with an Arduino to develop more advanced circuits on your own.

We'll Cover:

  • The various types of the most popular Arduino boards, their features, similarities, and differences.
  • How to write, compile, and upload a sketch to an Arduino board.
  • Arduino programming code structure and basic syntax.
  • How to monitor values in the sketch using the serial monitor.

What to bring & important information:

  • Hacker Lab has Arduino UNOs, Breadboards, & component kits, however you may bring your own if you like/have one.
  • A basic knowledge of programming concepts and electronics is helpful, but not necessary. Consider taking our Electronics & Electricity Basics class prior to this class if you are completely new.
  • Please bring a laptop with the Arduino IDE installed. While the download site may ask you to donate to the Arduino Foundation when you download, donations are optional and the software is free.
  • We do have a small number of laptops on hand to loan out, but have found attendees are more likely to continue their Arduino journey if they use their own computer. If you will need to borrow a laptop from Hacker Lab, please let us know ahead of time by emailing
  • Please make sure to arrive 10-15 minutes early and sign our general release of liability agreement.
  • All equipment and materials needed for this class will be provided for you.
  • This is a small (4) person group class. If you would like to take it in a 1-on-1 format, check out out 1-on-1 classes!
  • Do not come into the Lab if you have a cough, fever, or feel sick in the past 14 days.
  • Please read and familiarize yourself with our current covid related space policies by visiting .

    About the Instructor

Arduino for Beginners
HackerLab Sacramento 2533 R Street Suite 120 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mappa

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware: Most of our one-on-one classes require students to register at least 48 hours ahead of class time, after which they will be marked 'Not available'. Our regular cancellation policy of 48 hours of advance notice also applies.